Energy Saving#Textile Industry
One of the leading industries in Ahmedabad had used ELCONTROL – ENERGY PORTABLE LOAD MANAGER “NANOVIP” to study the loading of various motors in their plant. The Load Manager gave them accurate information about the motors which are over-rated in terms of kW.. They decided to use appropriate ratings of motors at these locations and got a significant saving which is many times more then what they have invested for the ELCONTROL – ENERGY LOAD MANAGER..
It happened this way:
Initial Condition :
Rating of motor = 60 kW. Current measured through’ conventional tong-tester = 104 Amps.
Under normal operating conditions They made an approximate calculation and arrived at = 80 Amps.
The % age loading as 80\104. They have been running the plant like this for years.. There were many more motors like this - They purchased ELCONTROL – ENERGY LOAD MANAGER “NANOVIP” and checked the above 60 kW motor with same.. They were shocked to see that the kW load is around 30 kW only, which is just 50% of the rated capacity and far below their expectations. They understood that because of poor loading the PF shows poor and hence current was high..
- After studying the loading condition and ascertaining that for the production requirements, max. Load would not exceed 30 kW, they used a 40 kW motor..
- They are presently saving around Rs.20,000.00 per annum by taking the above action.. This study was conducted across the factory at all important load points and appropriate rated motors are being used now, thus saving energy and money..
- They have improved the overall Power Factor of the plant and reduced the MAXIMUM DEMAND and hence saving money without adding capacitor banks..
Wouldn’t you prefer to save energy through Power Management like many other industries have done? For identifying areas of saving energy in your plant use ELCONTROL – ENERGY LOAD MANAGER..
With this other benefits/applications of ELCONTROL – ENERGY LOAD MANAGER are to reduce Max. Demand, to evaluate Energy Saving Devices, to Design \ recommend correct rating of motors/ cables / switch-gears etc..